Friday, June 12, 2009


I've always been kind of fascinated by the whole "nature vs. nurture" idea. What is taught? What is instinctual? I don't really know, but it sure is funny to watch a little one grow and develop. It's amazing to see what they pick up, from what you teach them and from what you don't. I never taught Abriella to put on lipstick... but...

she likes to go through my purse... and happened to find my chapstick... and this is immediately what she did (and I honestly don't think she's seen me put on chapstick more than one or two times)...

Now I'm not saying that if she was a boy she wouldn't have done this too (and I would have let him), but it's interesting. It's also funny how she automatically wants to put on makeup, try on all the shoes in the house, picks dresses over anything else, and

loves her pearls...

just something to think about!!

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