Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fun Fun Photo Shoot

Well, fun might not be the *best* word to describe it, lol. I had the opportunity to photograph some close friends today and I told them that the light is best in the evening. So we met in the evening, I should have realized (since I do have a child of my own) that even though the evening might be best for the light, it might not be the best for kiddos :) We did have a good time though, we just shouldn't have let them see the bubbles first... that was then all they wanted to do.

I wanted to get a few pics up since I probably won't be able to tomorrow...

hope you like this family one... it's the only one I got :) (well besides one other)

and just a few more of abrie's bff...

I hope you like them mini "S" family... we had a good time (at dinner at least ;)

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