Thursday, April 22, 2010


While I had my camera out on our walk the other day I decided to try my hand at some sun flare. I don't really know what I'm doing in that area but had some fun experimenting on my two somewhat willing models :) I'd love to know what you think.

We got a lot of funny looks from the neighbors since I was laying on the ground rolling around to get most of these shots... I'm sure I looked quite funny and it was difficult to do because...

Yep, Abriella is going to be a big sister... we go in tomorrow to find out whether it's a brother or a sister for her :)


Christina Stout said...

I LOVE the flare pictures in color. It makes it so soft! : ) I also like the silhouette pictures of Eric tossing Abriella! : ) I'm sure she will love them when she's older. But my fav pic is that last one! yea for you!!! Now tell us - is it pink or blue!?

Coach Dennis Kelley said...

I love these pics Christina! It looks like Abriella and Eric are having a lot of fun. It looks like Eric is tossing her a mile high. She seems to be loving it!!