Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I don't have any real reason to post today. Well, I'm sure I do... I keep taking pictures with an idea for a post and then they just sit on the computer and never get edited... let alone uploaded to the blog. I'm working on it. Anyways, I don't have a real reason to post except to show off these cuties. Oliver is almost 3 months old and is such a wonderful boy. He's really starting to show personality and I love it. He's so ready for a bedtime but I just can't seem to want to put him down at night. After the business of the day I just want to sit and hold him while he sleeps. He's growing too fast...in more ways than one :)

I wanted to try to get a picture similar to his newborn shots. He was sleeping so soundly and woke up as soon as I got him in position. I was so lucky he stayed still for a second. Look at that chubby bub :)

One of the other perks of having a new little one in the house is that when I set up to take pictures of him, the Little Miss doesn't want to be left out (this is much different from the child who would run the opposite direction when I got my camera out before he was born) although she tries to cooperate... this is what I usually get.

although I do love this one :)

On another note, I am so excited to go get our Christmas tree tomorrow... except that it's only supposed to be 36 degrees!! We better find the right one quick!

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