Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mr. Oliver

Oliver is at that fun age right now where he can sit really well but still can't really get away from me... he makes a good model. The Little Miss wants to get in on the photo action but still can't seem to sit still or actually follow my directions. Despite that, I love this picture...

He's been taking some pretty good naps lately (probably because he doesn't sleep at night) and he's been waking up so happy I've been taking advantage and setting him up for some pictures :)

This is what I like to affectionately refer to as "the Cabbage Patch face"... Abriella made this face all the time too... and I love it :)

And my absolute favorite... it's just about impossible to get him to look at the camera and smile... he's king of the serious face! This one needs to get put up somewhere - big ;)

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