Friday, November 30, 2012

Our Christmas Tree

We were so excited to go get our Christmas tree this year. We couldn't even wait until December. We were really looking forward to it this year since we thought that Oliver would be older and wouldn't cry the entire time (like last year). We thought both the kiddos would really get into it... well, memories were made, and that's just about all I can say about that.

I didn't get many pictures with my real camera since this little boy was screaming and clinging to me the entire time.

This little girl was being a stinker too. 

I love this farm... and one year it is going to be fun ;)

Abriella was really excited to get off the horse drawn wagon and go out and find the perfect tree. She hopped down and declared that the perfect tree was out there somewhere and she was going to find it. At least one of them was excited. 

After two steps she announced that she found the perfect tree. We had to explain that we needed one close to the size of daddy. 

Oh yes, there it is... and yep, that's what Oliver looked like the whole time. And no we didn't let Abriella play with the saw!!

Hurry, hurry and cut it down!!

Abriella really wanted to help. 

After cutting down our tree, Abriella decided she wanted to sit in the tree sled with the tree. Since she didn't fit she proceeded to cry and scream the whole walk back. Everyone was laughing at us and reminding us what great memories we were making, lol. 

Once we made it back Oliver regained control of himself after being given hot chocolate.
They spent a long while watching the train go round and round.

See that naughty little smirk... that was this boy scheming to touch the train, which of course knocked it off it's tracks.

Getting warm by the fire while we waited for daddy to bring the car up and for them to put our tree inside. 

The best thing about the van is just being able to throw the whole tree in there. 

This kid is a mess. 

And this one is happy.

 Mission complete.

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