Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Blueberry Picking

After years of hoping, and waiting and searching we finally found a blueberry patch where we could go pick our own blueberries. It turned out that one of the farms we frequent every fall has u-pick strawberries, blueberries, cherries and green beans. I don't know how we didn't know this but thanks to a random facebook post we finally were able to get out to the fields and pick some of our favorite fruit.... it didn't matter that it was the middle of a 90 degree day, we were going!!

These bushes were pretty picked over... but once we moved to the last few rows you could pick and entire bunch off. It was perfect.
This girl could not keep from eating berry after berry. 

Kerplink, kerplank, kerplunk

Even Oliver did a great job collecting berries in his bucket. 


This guy gets really into it :)

Luckily there were a few trees over by the field where they could sit and rest in the shade. We only last about 45 minutes in the field but it was so hot... they needed the breaks.

They both raced to get Eric their bucket first to collect his blueberries.

Oliver gave up first. Abriella couldn't stop eating and helping. 

I gave up pretty soon after Oliver. I was melting...

This little stinker even ate some blueberries. It's one of the only fruits that he usually doesn't like. He liked straight out of the field though :)


I love her... even with blueberry stains on her face!

We headed back to pay and these kids found some cookies in the store. Oliver shoved almost the whole thing in his mouth and they both played in the sticky hot weather like they didn't even notice. 

Oliver loves his tractors. 

What a fun spur of the moment activity. We can't wait to go back next year... with a bit more of a plan, in the morning, on a cooler day :) 

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