Saturday, September 28, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday, Oliver!

We made it home from the hospital with one day to spare before Oliver's birthday party. Things were a bit crazy and not quite how I like them to be for their special day but hey I just had a baby. He was celebrated... he felt special... and he got presents :) What more can you ask for!!

Eric very thoroughly explaining how the pinata was going to work.


Abriella insisted on blowing out one candle for her half birthday :)

 Then they played pin the treasure chest on the treasure map.

And Leia is the winner!!
Happy birthday, big boy!! I can't believe you are 3 and not my baby anymore. You are such a sweet, tenderhearted little boy and I love watching you grow. You and your big sister are such good friends and I can't wait to see the relationship you'll have with your baby sister. You make us laugh on a daily basis and we are so lucky to have you in our family.

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