Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Here are just a random group of pics. I am hoping to do a photo shoot tonight (if my subjects will cooperate) so that I can have some new pics to post. But, for now, here are a few.

baby foot_bw
I am not sure why, but this one makes me sad. It wasn't taken that long ago, but her foot isn't this tiny anymore.

This one was an accident, but kind of a happy accident. I hit the wrong button and loved how her eyes stood out, like they are looking right into you.

I love this pretty baby.

Pic 055
She just wanted to say "hi" (better get a filter for this lens!!)

That's all for now. But I wanted to share my good news. I posted an ad for my hats on Craigslist just for the fun of it to see if I would get any responses. Well I did, from a lady who owns a boutique and knitting/crafting/crocheting class store (if that makes any sense) and she wants to have my hats in her boutique. How fun!! Just thought I'd share. Have a great evening!!

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