Sunday, October 11, 2009

Little Logan

**edited to add baby parts collage at end**

Yesterday I had the opportunity to team up with a good friend and take some newborn pictures of little Logan. He was so cute and tiny but we had a little trouble getting him into a deep sleep, he just wanted to be cuddled and really you can't blame him :)

We did manage to snag a few keepers. Hopefully mom and dad enjoy the peek.

how sweet is he...

I loved his little lips.

who doesn't love baby toes?

and of course we can't forget big brother...

Thanks so much to his mom and dad for letting us take his pics. I'm still working on the collage.. I think I have enough to make one work for you. Congratulations on the two cuties!!

here's what I came up with (oops I forgot to add a border so you could actually see it)... (I wish I had one of these for Abriella)

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